
Sporting achievements
in different age groups:
Dennis Krimmel German Champion U17
Elias Hückmann German Vice Champion U15, Vice European Champion
How often do you train and what does your training look like?
The cyclists train separately in their home clubs. Starting with the U15s there are already 4-5 training sessions per week on the program. In addition to endurance sessions, specific technique sessions are also very important.
Does your team have certain rituals?
We all train in our individual clubs and then meet for the national league races. These are scattered all over Germany. First, we always set up our team arena. There we spend the time between the races. Also the race preparation on the bike rollers takes place there. Normally here the teammates cheer the rider on again shortly before the start and wish them good luck.
How do you motivate yourselves before a race?
The body is prepared for the exertion by warming up on the bike rollers. A short all out on the rollers. The tactics for the race are then discussed with the coach and then we are able to go fully focused to the starting line. Every rider needs and gets a hearty clap and a hearty shout from his teammates.
How do you celebrate after a win?
There's always time for an ice-cream, suitable for all ages :-)
What does owayo mean to you?
Hail, rain or shine we are always on our bikes - and thanks to owayo clothing we are always well equipped. We have never had such well-functioning clothing. It makes it much easier for us to start training even in adverse conditions.
What do you appreciate about your jerseys?
Great design and super functionality. The jerseys and jackets fit well and are very durable.
The pants also fit very well. The material of the long pants is super - we have the perfect material for every temperature. It is impressive that the colors do not fade even with daily washing.